Basic Safety for Industrial Generators

Whether this is your first rodeo or you’ve installed dozens of industrial generators before, it’s important to put safety first. If you’ve never installed a generator before, then consider this a primer on basic safety. Otherwise, consider it a refresher course.

Think Back to Shop Class

A lot of the most basic generator installation safety issues come down to the exact same practical advice that you received in shop class when you were in high school. Long hair needs to be tied up or kept under a hat. Clothing should never be loose, or you risk getting it snagged. Always wear gloves and safety goggles. Don’t work without a partner, and make sure that you have a first aid kit in the area. You know the drill. Basic safety is important on every job from building a bird house to installing an industrial generator.

Inspect Your Generator Before Installing

Inspect your generator the minute you get it out of the box. A dent suffered during shipping may point to serious structural damage, making the industrial generator truly dangerous to connect and turn on. If you find any serious damage, do not install until the unit has been repaired or replaced.

Where to Place it

Your industrial generator needs to be placed outdoors, but within a protective enclosure. Proper ventilation is one of the most important factors, here. A poorly ventilated generator can cause some serious issues later on down the line. It should also be elevated to protect it from rising waters during the rainy seasons, and the surface should be level, non-combustible and non-conducting. You want your generator to be protected, but unobstructed.

Charge Your Batteries

Before inserting a battery into your generator, make certain that it is completely charged.

Follow the Instructions

Maintenance, repair and installation absolutely must follow the manufacturer’s instructions to the letter. The worst case scenario is of course that somebody might get seriously injured if maintenance or repair are improperly handled. Best case scenario, a lot of insurance and warranty issues arise when you ignore the manufacturer’s instructions, even if the damages incurred have nothing to do with that. In either event, it’s simply not worth the risk.

Everything Must Be Turned Off

This may go without saying, but it always bears repeating: make sure that all of your electricity is shut off before attempting to make the installation.

No Smoking

The fumes given off by an industrial generator are highly flammable. Do not smoke around an industrial generator.

Conduct Regular Maintenance

You need to conduct maintenance as recommended. Oils and filters need to be changed annually, parts need to be cleaned and oiled, and electric systems need to be recharged. Your industrial generator should come with instructions that will let you know what needs to be taken care of and when. If there’s any confusion, it’s neither difficult nor expensive to have a professional run a regular checkup for you.

Safety is of the utmost importance when it comes to your industrial generator. From installation to maintenance and repairs, safety must always come first.