Cost of Diesel and Natural Gas Generators

When planning to purchase or to rent a generator for your business, the kind of fuel that the generator uses–typically natural gas or diesel–may not be your primary consideration. If you’re ordering a generator because a storm is imminent and you need to know that you’ll have the power you rely on to do business, chances are that you’ll be more concerned about weathering the storm. If you’ve lost power in storms before, you know it can damage your bottom line to go without power for anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks. I’m sure you never want that to happen again! Many people purchase a generator for their business for that very sense of security.

True Generator Costs

When shopping for a generator, you’ll get more bang for your buck if you can remember that generator costs don’t end once you purchase the unit. No matter which type you go with, generators require fuel to run. If you choose a diesel generator, a fuel supplier will need to deliver that fuel to your generator.

Oil Prices and Generators

While natural gas prices fluctuate throughout the year, the fuel is widely abundant in the U.S.–and the world–and less expensive than diesel. In May, 2012, natural gas cost $2.30 per million BTU, a measure equivalent to approximately 8,000 gallons. In contrast, diesel fuel cost $4 per gallon in May, 2012, per CNN. Since late 2008, oil prices have been rising steadily; by June, 2012, oil cost double what it did in December 2008. Because the cost of oil fluctuates extremely, the cost to refuel your generator can go up hundreds of dollars overnight and could continue to rise unchecked.

At Worldwide Power Products, we offer a range of natural gas generators, both new and used, for rental and for sale. By choosing a natural gas generator, you will avoid paying more over time for your generator in fuel costs. Do you have a story about rising oil costs impacting your bottom line? I’d love to hear it!
